How to Develop Resilience During Workplace Change


We all know the corporate landscape is a wilderness. Navigating through changes can sometimes feel like a survival game. I'm here to be your guide, blending my experience as a change manager and mental health advocate to help you survive and thrive amid workplace transitions.

Understanding Workplace Change

Change is the Only Constant

In the fast-paced corporate world, change is as inevitable as Monday mornings. Whether it's a restructuring, new management, or a shift in company culture, these changes can stir up a whirlwind of emotions. I've been there, trust me. I have lived through a significant reorganization that left me feeling like I was handed a compass without a map.

The Link Between Mental Resilience and Workplace Success

The Resilience Advantage

Let's talk about mental resilience - your secret weapon for weathering storms and surfing the waves of change. Mental resilience isn't just corporate jargon; it's a game-changer in personal and professional growth. My lightbulb moment? Embracing change became more manageable when I viewed it as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. Not everyone will see significant change as a push to enter a change management career. Still, I discovered that embracing change was easier if I viewed it as an opportunity to innovate and get creative about where I wanted to go next.

Recognizing Signs of Stress and Mental Strain

Listen to Your Mind and Body

Our bodies are like the check engine light in a car; they signal when something's off. Stress during change manifests in different ways: sleepless nights, persistent headaches, or that pit in your stomach. Frequently, in the past, I have ignored these signals until I would unfortunately need to take a health leave from work or, worse, require hospitalization. Recognizing your signs of stress is the first step toward building resilience.

Strategies for Building Mental Resilience

Mindfulness Techniques

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Have you ever tried meditating in the office bathroom stall? I have! While it might sound odd, those few minutes of solitude allowed me to reset during chaotic days. Sure, I have also cried in these stalls, but having a moment of privacy to be present with your feelings is vital. You can even do simple mindfulness practices like focused breathing or a quick gratitude reflection discreetly at your desk. It's like a mental reset button.

Emotional Intelligence Development

Understanding Others and Yourself

Emotions often take a back seat in a world of cubicles and conference rooms. But embracing emotional intelligence can be your game-changer. I once diffused a tense meeting by acknowledging the emotions in the room. It was a reminder that understanding emotions, both yours and others, is a powerful tool in the workplace. Once people allowed themselves to be vulnerable and acknowledged their fear, stress, anger, or sadness, they realized they were not alone and had others to help them plan their next steps. If you are safe and able, share your own feelings first to help break the ice.

Seeking Support Networks

You're Not Alone in This

During a significant shift, I found solace in a lunch buddy. Sharing experiences and perspectives helped us navigate the change together. Don't underestimate the power of a support network – whether it's friends at work, mentors, or even a mental health professional. You don't have to be a lone superhero; collaboration is critical. 

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in Change Management

Strength in Differences

Change affects us all differently, and acknowledging diverse experiences is crucial. My 'aha' moment? When a teammate alerted me to the negative connotation she felt for the word "resilience." From my experience and work background, I only viewed resilience as a positive. Through an open and authentic conversation, my thoughtful and vulnerable colleague helped me see her point of view and find a way to support and produce real resilience rather than use it as a buzzword in my field.

Personal Stories and Case Studies

Real People, Real Resilience

Let me share a story from a friend who aced a presentation during a significant restructuring. Instead of fearing the change, she used it as a platform to showcase her adaptability and resilience. She utilized the upcoming change to spark her creativity and create a new tracking system for her company. 

Leadership had been so focused on running the transition that they didn't see the opportunity for innovation until she proposed it. They were thrilled at the possibility of supporting her solution to streamline and minimize duplicate work across teams. Stories like these remind us that resilience isn't a theory; it's a tangible skill you can cultivate.

Overcoming Common Challenges

The Obstacle Course of Change

Change often brings challenges: uncertainty, fear, and, sometimes, resistance to the unknown. My tip? Break the challenge into smaller, manageable tasks. It's like navigating a maze - one turn at a time.

Practical Tips for Daily Implementation

Prioritize Self-Care

Fueling Your Resilience Tank

Imagine your mind is a car, and regular maintenance is non-negotiable. Sleep, exercise, and healthy nutrition are your premium fuel. During a challenging merger, I learned that sacrificing sleep for work led to burnout. Prioritize self-care, and you'll find yourself cruising smoothly through changes.

Establish Daily Routines

Creating Stability Amidst Chaos

In the whirlwind of change, routines can be your anchor. Establishing a daily routine creates a feeling of stability. My go-to? A morning ritual that kickstarts my day positively. Whether it's a quick workout or a few moments of reflection, having a consistent routine helps create a sense of normalcy, even if that routine is drinking your morning coffee while playing Wordle.


So, as you face the ebb and flow of corporate change, remember this: building mental resilience is not just a survival tactic. It's your ticket to a thriving career. Embrace change as an opportunity, listen to the signals your mind and body send you, and cultivate a support network. The corporate wilderness may be wild, but armed with mental resilience, you're not just a participant; you're the resilient protagonist of your own success story. Let's navigate this journey together, one change at a time!