About The Thrive Shift


How it started

After a diagnosis of bipolar at the age of 19, I thought my future was dire. I was concerned I would never achieve my career goals and spiral into a life of instability and illness.

Over the next two decades, through a winding career working in almost every industry and in job roles ranging from director of communications to change management, disability and mental health policy intern to health researcher, I discovered that my diagnosis developed into my greatest strengths—vulnerability, and authenticity.

In 2023, I embraced them wholeheartedly, transforming my approach to work and relationships and developing my consulting firm, The Thrive Shift.

What is The Thrive Shift?

The Thrive Shift is more than a consulting firm. It's a movement towards creating workplaces and communities where individuals thrive.

At The Thrive Shift, we believe that positive change comes from empowering the voices of all people. By sharing our stories and connecting as humans, we can improve wellness and develop strategies, products, and outcomes focused on the people who matter most.

The Heart of The Thrive Shift

The Thrive Shift venn diagram: Mental health awareness, Human-centered strategy, Inclusive communication

The Thrive Shift is committed to promoting positive change through storytelling, authentic leadership education, and the development of strategies to enhance equity and inclusion in health and wellness.

Positive change emerges from amplifying the voices of all stakeholders and creating a safe environment where every individual feels valued and heard.

We aim to foster a world where individuals fearlessly express themselves and embrace diversity and vulnerability, ensuring we hear and empower all voices.

Why Choose The Thrive Shift?

The Thrive Shift draws its strengths through mental health awareness and advocacy, inclusive communication, and strategy centered on human needs. With a specialty in mental health advocacy and disability inclusion, we utilize the latest research, attention to policy, and lived experiences to help guide your strategy and advocacy work.

Join us on this journey of navigating change and cultivating wellness. Let's work together to ensure that each individual's story is at the heart of your mission and that we celebrate diversity as a powerful force for positive change.