Lead with Heart

Compassion, Curiosity, and Courage Training

Lead with Heart: Compassion, Curiosity, and Courage Training

Workplace challenges can often feel overwhelming, but managers can transform these challenges into opportunities. How can you cultivate a thriving workplace where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged?

Introducing Lead with Heart: Compassion, Curiosity, & Courage, a three-part interactive training series for leaders and people managers. Available virtually or in person, this training provides flexibility to suit your organization’s needs.

Linea Johnson looking at a computer smiling

What You’ll Learn

This training will help leaders:

  1. Promote Mental Health Awareness: Understand the critical importance of mental wellness and normalize mental health discussions.

  2. Reduce Stigma and Foster Inclusion: Learn strategies to address mental health stigma and promote a diverse, inclusive environment.

  3. Build Trust and Support: Gain practical skills to establish trust, create an accessible environment, and support employee wellbeing.

  4. Enhance Psychological Safety: Create a safe space for open communication and collaboration.

What You’ll Take Away

Arm your leadership team with the practical knowledge and tools to champion a mentally healthy and inclusive workplace. This training series offers practical strategies and insights to foster a supportive and thriving workplace culture.

Who Should Attend?

The Lead with Heart training is ideal for individuals and teams looking to enhance their skills to better support mental health in the workplace. We suggest this unique learning experience for groups of five to twenty.

• Aspiring managers eager to grow their leadership capabilities

• Teams keen to foster a sense of connection and belonging

• People managers striving to cultivate a healthier workplace culture

• Leaders focused on promoting inclusivity within their workspace

• Employee Resource Groups committed to increasing mental health awareness

• DEI practitioners looking to enhance their accessibility and disability inclusion expertise

Linea Johnson training a group of people

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level?

Our Lead with Heart program offers three interactive 1.5-hour sessions that delve deep into the foundations of compassion, curiosity, and courage. Through shared personal perspectives and practical applications of your learning, you can begin to foster emotional intelligence and leadership abilities.

Ideal for smaller groups of people managers, Lead with Heart workshops support the development of mental health strategies in the workplace. While it is recommended to purchase the series as a bundle, you can also purchase one course at a time.

Explore session topics with the dropdowns below.

  • Delve into mental health awareness and support. How can managers cultivate a compassionate workplace where everyone feels valued and supported?

    Topics Include:

    • Mental Health Awareness

    • Trust & Care

    • Support & Accommodations

    • Autonomy & Flexibility

    • Diversity & Accessibility

  • Emphasize the importance of curiosity in fostering psychological safety and inclusion. How can leaders create an environment where collaboration and continuous learning thrive?

    Topics Include:

    • Inclusion & Belonging

    • Collaboration

    • Psychological Safety

    • Play & Celebration

    • Learning & Development

    • Building Meaning

  • Focus on the courage to lead with vulnerability and balance. How can managers set an example by embracing authenticity and promoting work-life harmony?

    Topics Include:

    • Inclusive Leadership

    • Vulnerability

    • Work-Life Harmony

    • Leading by Example

    • Next Steps and Application

Mock up of Lead With Heart workbooks on various devices and an image of Linea on a computer

What Comes With The Package?

  • Three 1.5-hour interactive group sessions customized to your organization’s needs

  • Workbook

  • Workshop guide

  • Customized action plan

Key Skills Gained:

  • A strong understanding of inclusive leadership and how to develop a health-first mindset

  • Ability to be an active listener and build trusting relationships with your team

  • Courage to have difficult conversations with empathy and compassion


Why Lead with Heart?

As a woman living with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and an eating disorder, I have experienced the challenge of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while striving to achieve success in the workplace. I dedicated many years to reaching ambitious goals, only to find myself needing to take leave from work to focus on my health and recovery.

As I advanced in my career, I began to see the difference implementing the critical practices of Lead with Heart made both as a supervisor and for myself.

Through my professional expertise and leadership education, and informed by my lived experience, I have developed this course to share how honoring our emotions and health needs significantly impacts the lives of our teams and ourselves while improving business outcomes.

Are you ready to Lead With Heart?

Reach out today to see if the program is right for your organization or team. During our call, we can discuss your needs, goals, and challenges to customize a program built with your team in mind.


Frequently Asked Questions

We know that taking steps toward improving mental health within your organization is paramount. Here, you'll find answers to some of our participants' most common questions. If you have more specific inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • We offer both in-person and virtual workshops, as well as a hybrid model. While we encourage as many participants as possible to join in person, we understand the logistics of virtual teams. Our goal is to create the most accessible and comfortable environment for everyone.

  • Each workshop lasts approximately 1.5 hours. Additionally, we recommend setting aside 30 minutes for personal reflection questions between workshops. While full engagement is encouraged, we understand if you need to step out for other commitments.

  • While there isn't a strict timeline, we recommend completing all three workshops within one to three months. This timeline helps maintain a connection with teammates and provides a comprehensive understanding of mental health awareness and wellness strategies.

  • We encourage participants to practice the techniques and strategies discussed during the workshops. Upon completion of each workshop, you'll receive a customized action plan. Additionally, we offer ongoing resources and support for continuous mental wellness.

  • Minimal outside work is required. Before each in-person session, we ask participants to complete three to five reflection questions in their personal workbooks. We understand our participants' busy schedules and aim to keep our content accessible and manageable. Time will be provided during the workshop for these reflections if needed.

  • No, our workshops do not train individuals to recognize mental health challenges or crises. Instead, we focus on providing training and resources to support overall mental health within organizations by teaching emotional intelligence skills, inclusive leadership, and adjustments to internal operations and systems.

  • Yes, there may be opportunities for financial assistance. We recommend reaching out to your learning and development team, as many companies offer professional development stipends for our workshops. If this isn't an option for you, please contact us at linea@lineajohnson.com, and let's discuss possible solutions.

Do you still have questions? We're here to help! For additional inquiries or personalized support, contact us using the button below.